Monday, December 10, 2012

“If you buy things that you do not need, you may soon have to sell things you need”

“Do not invest what is left after spending, instead spend after you save/invest”

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Boat

Don't give up
From Marina Beach, Chennai
A man is sitting on his porch as flood waters rise. A woman floats by in a boat, asking if the man needs help. "No, thank you," says the man, "I'm trusting in the Lord." The waters rise higher, sending the man upstairs. A raft full of people floats by his second story window. "Get in," they say, "there's plenty of room." "No thanks," says the man, "I'm trusting in the Lord." The flood waters keep rising, pushing the man up to the roof. A helicopter swoops in, lowering its ladder for the man. "Thanks anyway," shouts the man, "I'm trusting in the Lord." Finally, the man is swept away in the torrent and drowns. At the gates of Heaven, the man asks God, "Why didn't you save me?" "What do you mean?'' replies God, "I sent two boats and a helicopter."
In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has.
Proverbs 21:20

From here

Friday, May 11, 2012


From Random Moments
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city. Proverbs 16:32

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Memories from the Past

From Random Moments
Sometime last week, while I came down one morning, I found this half-eaten almond fruit. It's been a really long time since I found one - and, there was a time when I used to go scouting for these first thing in the morning!

I was in school, my grandma was still with us and we were in this small town called Palayamkottai. We lived in a huge house with an equally huge garden and, every summer we'd find a bunch of these half-eaten fruits dropped by bats.

I think it was Grandma who introduced me to the nuts - it was a lot of effort to crack the shell - But, we loved the nuts! it became a routine - for me to walk around the garden, looking for these fruits, early in the morning. With that day's find, me and Grandma would sit in our backyard, cracking them up using a stone or a hammer - trying hard not to reduce the nut to a pulp! And, then share the spoils between the two of us! :)

 Great days! And, no, I didn't crack this one - I left it for some kid to find!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Shrinking and Growing

Don't give up
From Random Moments
It's been a long time since I got a pen drive - and, yes, I've seen that really tiny 8gig one too... But, when I decided to buy two and both of them, 16 gig each, turned out to be sooo tiny.... amazing technology, I say!

Sunday, February 12, 2012


"Never say that you have no time.
On the whole it is those who are busiest who can make time for yet more,
and those who have more leisure time who refuse to do something when asked.
What we lack is not time, but heart."
- Henri Boulard