Monday, May 9, 2005


Though I am a lean girl making a lot of people think I am a sickly person, fortunately for me, am not ….I would say, am much healthier than most people who claim to have a good diet, who travel less…and in fact, going by the sick leave stats, I would consider myself healthier than most in office who don’t miss a chance to give me some “tips” or should I say “advice” (unasked for) regarding my food habits….based on their assumption that I don’t have enough food….:)
I had almost forgotten how it would be to fall sick…that was until a few days ago…I can cope with a bout of fever or headache… there is just one thing that can make me go flat in a matter of minutes…it is the only illness I seem to suffer from with unfailing regularity…once in a while, my tummy decides to lodge a protest …and that would result in a severe bout of diarrhea, vomiting…and the climax would be a few minutes of unconsciousness….all these would last for just a few minutes but would leave me drained out to the bone…
Sometime last week, I had gone down to food court for my breakfast…had “aloo paratha”…I need to add here that I don’t test everything that is on the menu…quite conscious of my tummy, I always stick to a few things…so, invariably my breakfast would end up being either bread n egg or idly or aloo paratha…I had my breakfast, and when I was to get back the elevators were not functioning….waited for a while….and then decided to take the stairs….now, I have walked up the 11 floors before, but I think waling up immediately after a meal was a bad idea…didn’t realize it then!! By the time I reached the 11th floor, I was exhausted…was wondering if I had gotten a bit weaker…just a few minutes later, my entire breakfast came out…felt better after that…told myself that I would never take the stairs again….
Yesterday seemed to be quite a normal day….went for class…since the afternoon session was cancelled, managed to get back home in time for lunch…had a good meal of chicken biryani…the day was quite hot….the summer peak in Chennai is not something you can sit back and enjoy….was barely managing to get through when the chicken decided to get out….now, that resulted in diarrhea and vomiting….the only thing I fear…I fear? Yes, I fear because it leaves me weak….I fear coz I know it needn’t always hit me in the comfort of my home…I fear coz I can’t help but wonder if I would survive to face another day…I fear it most coz that is when I long for the comfort I would never get…
Back to normal today…hope I won’t have another spell for a long time to come…