Took the MMTS from Secunderabad to Hi-Tech amidst the downpour. For the first time ever, the train was really slow and doubled the travel time - almost as if they were searching for something on the track! I was standing near the door for a while 'coz there was no place to sit and then found a place to sit. Among the usual crowd and baggages, there was this scene that caught my eye.
Three college kids (I presume) - two boys and one girl were seated at the end (the long seat that stretches along the entire width). One was wearing a bright yellow tshirt (with a Harry Potter-ish look), the other had a red bag - and I thought, that would be a lovely picture - the bright colors, etc. They were chatting among themselves and next to the girl sat this lady in a burkha - fully covered with only her eyes exposed.
I don't know what the three were talking about - but this lady was staring at the guy, wide-eyed!
PS: I had written this on June 9 - but wasn't sure if I should post and left it as a draft. But, even as I read it today, I can picture the scene :) Can you?
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