Wednesday, May 10, 2006

No time?

"Never say that you have no time.
On the whole it is those who are busiest who can make time for yet more,
and those who have more leisure time who refuse to do something when asked.
What we lack is not time, but heart."
- Henri Boulard

This is what I tell people when they say they have no time. I did come across something similar in a book. It goes like this "...those who are in the relatively more advanced stages of spritual growthare the very ones most aware of their own laziness" - The Road Less Travelled, Scott Peck

How true? So, the next time you think you are packed to the limit, just stop for a minute and think. Think of how much more you can do, think not of how much you are doing right now. Think of all those things that need to be done, think not of all that you have achieved.
Well, I suppose it should be like this - When you aren't happy with what you have, think of those who do not have what you do. and when you are feeling content with what you are doing right now, look at those who do a lot more and more importantly, look at how much needs to be done.
Then, am sure you would never say, "I have done so much so let me rest."

1 comment:

  1. Somehow i managed to have time to read this :D


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