Friday, June 17, 2011

Sound of Silence

Lal Bagh, Bangalore
From Lal Bagh, Bangalore

A leaping tongue of bloom the scythe had spared



From Jan 2009 - Flower show at Lal Bagh

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Two Colors

The Red Leaf
From Jurong Bird Park

When I was beginning to wonder what's going on, someone came by and said "...thanks to you". Thank You, my friend! You didn't know what that meant to me this quiet day.

The Grape Story

I was heading home (the real home in Chennai) last evening. I'd gotten to the railway station at Secunderabad about half hour early and decided to walk around a bit looking for something to take home before I got into the station. I got to this lane full of vendors selling fruits - sapotas, oranges, and a lot of grapes around.

While I was buying this and that without thinking twice, there came a lady asking if she could get some grapes for a couple of Rupees - you know, the fallen ones that are sold cheaper. She was bargaining for them.

Life ain't fair!

Written on April 15, 2011