I am home for a week - a much needed break! And, I decided to clear up some old clothes. Now, am left feeling like a sentimental idiot. I found my school uniforms! Higher secondary (1998) and middle school (1994)! Gosh! And, then

II thought, why not take some pictures. So, I spent this afternoon clicking away :) This is what you get when I am home for a week ... fun :)
found the tie-and-dye fancy things I'd made in college - looks ridiculously funny now. I found a good load of saree blouses - my inheritance from granny!! I don't think I'd ever wear them nor do I have the heart to throw them! In fact, I don't even remember why I took them.

I found a favorites dress of mine - a pretty orange one with beads and laces. I don't know about you - but I have some favorite dresses - the ones that have some special memory or just made you feel like a princess (or a prince). This one and a couple of other pretty dresses have a story behind them.
Years later, when I was no longer the kid, when I could appreciate the prettiness of a saree, I got to know that some of my prettiest dresses of younger days were made from mom's sarees. When they couldn't buy nice dresses and new material for festivals, mom would cut one of her pretty sarees and make dresses for me and my sister. This orange frock is from one of her sarees. I don't know if I'd have the heart to cut a saree as pretty as that! Mother's love!

And then, I found a bunch of letters from school pals. You know, the good old days of writing in one of those inland covers, dropping it in a postbox and hoping they haven't changed their address... and then you'd get the reply in a similar cover after a couple of weeks - or even months. No pings, no diggs, no tweets, no calls, no emails - just the good old snail mail.

And guess what - I found something that looked like a baptism dress and asked mom - it's my brother's. I can almost see a baby there :)
So, that's how I spent my day today! Remembering my childhood and thanking God for my wonderful family :)