Saturday, December 20, 2008
My holiday calendar
@ Pranav, thanks for the idea of marking travels on calendar - I didn't realise the extent of 2008 travel until I did that :)
PS: If you didn't know, you can share and/or embed your Google Calendar
Thursday, November 27, 2008
The new forum and me!
Needless to say, yesterday I was like the schoolkid waiting for the exam paper - When I was in school and college, there used to be this inexplicable calm that would descend over me just 5-10 minutes before the exam. I'd close the books, just walk around and relax - that is, irrespective of my state of preparation. Yesterday was something like that - I had done my bit and made sure everyone had their AIs set - but, it was being pushed in PST. So, I'd know the result when I wake up!
And, yes, I woke up before 6am this morning - had a wash, read the Bible, and logged in around 6:30am - what a relief ...and excitement too! To see all the work done open for the world to see :)
I guess this is a kinda rant - I might come back sometime later and edit this - but for now, am resting after those hectic weeks! It is a breather before phase 2 begins... As they say in my team, this one is Christelle's baby... ya, been mine - we've hit the first milestone... soon, we'd be working towards our next steps!
Just for now, I'd look back - and smile... and tell myself, all that's needed is Patience and Perseverence :)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Dudhsagar Falls, Goa - By Road

It was a long weekend and we decided to go to Goa for 4 days. Day 3, we decided to go up to Dudhsagar Falls, 60 km from Panaji. It was as unpredictable as it could be – riding along railway tracks, crossing streams, my great fall – by the end of the day, I’d say it’s definitely one of the crazier trips.
From Goa, travel along NH4A towards Ponda – proceed towards Molem beyond Ponda. Once you reach Molem, watch out for the signboard for Colem. You’d turn right there and ride to the end of that road (about 7km). You’d find a number of guides/pilots willing to take you on a bike (for about 360INR). They are not the best people to ask for directions – they are more interested in scaring you in to riding their bikes.
We decided to go on our own and turned left – thankfully, there were some very helpful local folks who gave us directions. Before I get on with our route, a couple of pointers - There are a number of routes to the falls and the easiest would be to take the train to the Dudhsagar station. The road looked quite used (relatively) - still, not your normal road. Be prepared for some tough and careful riding. If you are not game for riding, you should take one of the guides along or take the train ride. It was a moment of relaxed riding that resulted in my head injury. Enough of scares – let’s get on with the route!
Turn left at the Dudhsagar board at Colem and find your way to the manned level crossing. As soon as you cross the railway tracks, you’d find a mud road going up to your left. You should leave the tarred road and get on to the mud road into the bushes. When you go up the mud road, you’d reach an unused railway track. This unused railway track will lead you to a path right next to the railway track in use. You’d reach around the 49/500 or so signboard. Keep riding till you reach 46/000 and 45/900. You should also find a milestone that has 51 on one side and 50 on the other. Around that spot, you should look for a bridge beneath the railway track. Look for the steps leading down – you’d also find a path for bikes. Riding down that path will lead you right into the stream flowing below the bridge.
As long as it is not monsoon, the stream should be crossable – it was hardly ankle-high when we crossed it last weekend. Once you cross the stream, that path would join another road at right angle. Turn right at this road and ride on – it is not a short ride from there – at least 10kms, I’d say. Somewhere along this road, I had my near fatal fall – resulting in 4 stitches. Please ride carefully!

The mud road, with slopes – up and down – and stones, big and small – will be your riding challenge. Keep riding till you reach the board that points to the falls, and refreshments (a closed shop).
It is quite a short walk from there to the falls. You'd cross the water a couple of times before you can get right in front of the falls. It is one trip where the journey is much better than the destination (purely, my opinion). In fact, if you are game enough to walk 14 km, it would be one of the nicest walks you’ve ever had.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The Valkyries
By all let this be heard,
Some do it with a bitter look,
Some with a flattering word,
The coward does it with a kiss,
The brave man with a sword.
(The Valkyries)
What do you think?
Friday, September 5, 2008
That odd moment!
...just another night to go, and I'd be gone...the building would get taller, the lights brighter...
Sunday, August 31, 2008
<end of rant>
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
10 years ago...
...I sat watch over someone dear - I got to know what it's like when you just can't do anything to make things better :(
...I finished school - got out with 84%
... It was my first month in college
... I travelled long distance alone, for the first time!
... I didn't have an email address :O [crazy, but true!]
...I don't remember spending time online at all!
That's the year of 1998!
Two things prompted this post - one, I found the Visitor card used in CMC and, two, I'd written Aug 22, 98 in my Bible [most probably, the day I got it!]
So, what were you doing?
Complicated water!
The guy: Ma'm, would you like to have some water?
My friend: Yes, please!
The guy: Normal water or mineral water?
My friend: Mineral water
The guy: ... ... ... ... Aquafina
My friend: ...hmm...
[Me was busy listening to this conversation and reading the menu. Turns out neither of us got the first 3 brands!]
Me: Sorry, can you please repeat that?
The guy: ... ... ... Aquafina
Me: Aquafina, please
[Am never gonna get those other names! Later, I got to know, one of the missing three was Avian]
The guy: Sure ma'm [disappears into the darkness]
Two minutes later... he comes with two bottles of Aquafina - one normal temp. and the other chilled water!
The guy: Is this ok? [points to the cold bottle - wants my friend to check the temp!]
My friend: We don't want cold water...
Another 5 minutes go by before we have water in our fancy glasses! Can you imagine someone really thirsty walking into a place like that! Maybe, just maybe, next time I should learn to say 'Normal room temp. water' or 'cold Aquafina' - all for a glass of water!
A minute later, the other three walk in and the first question was 'have you ordered starters?' We'd ordered, but not starters!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Kolad - River Rafting
The train gave a lot of opportunity to get some slow shutter photos. The next morning, we got in to the bus and headed towards Kolad. We headed straight to the rafting spot - and soon we were listening to the safety instructions. I'd say that was the scariest part of it all! Example: If you get under the boat, kick with all your might! Ouch! It looked quite precarious to sit on the side and not in the raft - but once we were in, I realised it was a lot bigger than the average bench you'd find at a roadside tea shop!
A practice session and a splashing match was going on while we waited for all the rafts to get in to the water! The guides were definitely better at throwing water - and our guide threw water on us as much as he threw on the others. Soon, we were out in the river - it was sunny and someone wanted rain. Soon, it didn't just rain - it poured cats and dogs. Got to say, being on a raft in the middle of a river, next to rapids - is one of the best places to enjoy the rain. The only thing I missed was my camera - couldn't risk taking it along :(
Once we were on the much calmer side of the river, they encouraged us to get off the raft and into the river! Not exactly something you’d want to do if you didn’t know to swim. But then, they pretty much dumped you off the boat – so, yes, for the first time in my life, I was in the water – floating, thanks to the life jacket. I’ve got to thank Pranav, the helping hand, who went out of his way to help me feel comfortable in the water – nice to have such people around you.
Soon we were out and were heading towards our resort – our bus stopped at the end of a road and we had to travel the rest of the distance in a jeep. It was indeed one of the most memorable transport (not the most comfortable, mind you!). A rusty, rickety jeep with seats coming apart – and, on top of it you go racing on a bumpy mud path with another jeep in equally bad shape! Weren’t we happy to be out of it!
A quick wash, lunch – and I wanted to get out. So, off we went – me, Sandeep, and Kiran – walking down a path to the river. Kiran was the one spotting all those little things – me dutifully following him to the subjects :) That reminds me of another – Satish – the ever helpful friend of Ram & Sandeep. He’d always find subjects for our cameras!
We were back soon and it was tea-time. While we were waiting for the rest of the group to gather for another walk, we had tea and took more pictures. I got one of my favorites from the trip – a macro of a flower.
Soon, we set off for another walk – a much larger group this time.
Other than the river and the rafting – nothing much out there. On the whole, a good place for a relaxed weekend. This trip was more about people than about photography :)
Quick notes:
Walk around the place – you can get close to the river too. A word of caution there – always one foot at a time! The river looks much shallower on the surface.
Be prepared to get drenched – quick-dry clothes, footwear that dry easily, and a dry bag for your electronics.
Get your directions before you leave – the places aren’t marked really well and mobile networks aren’t perfect out there. You’ll have to rely on the directions you have and the locals
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Thank you for stopping by!
Yup! Thanks to the recent interests, this site is at 1000+ pageviews, 500+ visits, and 400+ visitors! Woohoo!
Oh ya! I check my Analytics account countless times each day!
Thank you for stopping by! You just made my day! :)
Rain, tea, and flowers

It reminds me a lot of things... the little things of the trip. It was a place where you could never predict the rain - it pours, it stops, its quiet... and it starts all over again! In spite of it, we sat there outside sipping tea, watching people play volley ball and shoot at the lone basket. There was this brown doggie around the place - nuzzling everyone in hope of some food. Chit chat. Chase the dog. Watch the sky. Observe.
Me, my camera - "what's your camera?" they ask. Wow for the SLR. I walk around with my jacket over my camera bag - I'd rather get wet and keep my camera dry! It is a crazy world!
The sky darkens. The terrace beckons - we leave the drops on the flower and go to the river. We didn't really leave them behind, did we?
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
When it rains...
It takes an hour to get to the other side of the HiTech(!) Railway Station underpass - no, there's nothing hitech about the underpass - it's just the name!
Thankfully, I don't drive to work - watching the cab make it's way through is like a thriller movie -will that guy sneaking up on you get ahead of you.... without bumping into you, the car ahead of you, or the one on the right...
The earth seems to move so much - there are gaping holes all over the place! And, I used to think Hyd has fantastic roads... duh!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
What’s official about a language?
Well, for some of us, learning Hindi is not a choice - for others, Hindi is not a choice. Yes, I grew up in places where you heard Hindi only on Doordarshan (nowadays, cable TV too) and where schools offered just two languages - Tamil, English. Even in schools that offered a third language, it was French (because it was easy?) or another Dravidian language.
Yes, I know that isn't great - but, you know, I didn't get to set the rules when I was in school. It isn't bad at work - though, people tend to assume you know Hindi! I think the first time I had a problem big-time was when I went out for a trip with this group - and they were speaking in Telugu/Hindi. Well, there was at least one person who took the time and effort to speak to me (in English) - may his tribe increase. The sad part, though, was that most of them didn't care - and, worse, at least one person knew that my Hindi isn't fluent!
In fact, it was worse than being out on the road. Do you know why? Because, when a conductor, bus driver, or shopkeeper realises that I don't know the language, they try their best to use the simplest of words and use English if they know. Also, I am not trying to build relationships there - I manage to get what I want and I will get going. However, when you go out as a group, you are trying to get to know them - where language matters all the more.
After such an experience, quite naturally, I spoke about it to a couple of people and got some suggestions, including reply in Tamil :P - now, that's gonna be fun!
The other day, when I couldn't sleep, I was searching for more information on India and the languages in this country. Not surprisingly:
"Hindi is the national language and primary tongue of 30% of the people; there are 21 other official languages: Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanscrit, Santhali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu" [source]
So, the next time you think of saying "Arre, national language - how can you not know?" - ask yourself if you are a hockey player.
Got it?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
For the first time in the last 2 years, my parents wanted me to stay longer!!
I sat for an exam after a long, long time - Went to Loyola for the first time :O
Someone said 'my training session was the only one that didn't put him to sleep' - oops!
I went to Jog Falls again, trekked again and got drenched again - what was different: lesser water, harder trek thanks to the gaping holes along the trail [I am still fuming at the idea of building concrete steps to the very end].. and, how can I forget the heavier bag+camera this time!
AC compartment in Indian Railways - claustrophobic!
I got to take a whole load of pictures of 7 sweet puppies - and then cry when one of them died less than 2 weeks later!
And, most recently, I am broke - big time! My bank balance is an all-time low and will remain so for the next 30 days!
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Writer’s Block?
Something flipped over today - don't ask me what, coz I don't know. Oh! Please don't build castles either!
This evening was one of those days when I sit 'n wonder what's happening around me - too many things moving at the same time - feels like I am caught in a whirlwind...and then, had a pleasant surprise - a friend I've known for a long, long time came by. It was a much needed break - the chat, the jokes... sometimes, it is the little things that make a big difference!
Anyways, came home - took my camera out and did some experimenting - hope it gets better from now on...
It's 11:34pm and I should be sleeping... I will, soon!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Jog Falls, Karnataka - v2
I was already on my way to Bangalore, so I called up an old friend of mine who had a litter of puppies at home! After a photoshoot at his place, we moved on hoping to find gumboots in Bangalore - but then, it was getting late. So, we decided to go to Jog Falls (via Shimoga). I was eager to compare my photos with my pre-SLR days :)
We reached Shimoga close to 10pm (after a 6.5 hour bus ride from Bangalore) and found a room at one of the hotels opposite the bus stand. The next morning we left for Jog Falls - 2.5 hours from Shimoga. It seemed to be a sunny day - so different from our last visit when we were drenched by the time we reached the entrance! Though, the sunny day was to last for just about 10 minutes - I guess there is nothing called a sunny day at Jog! Yup, soon there was a heavy downpour - I began to wonder if we'd be able to trek at all!
We started once the rain abated - we had to walk a little further to find our way down - the normal path was closed because work is going on. They are laying concrete steps all the way to the bottom! God save this beautiful place once that's done and the whole world can go all the way down to dump their waste! I'd hate to see this place get crowded and dirty.
Anyways, soon we reached the stairs (which is work-in-progress) - you get on it and start walking. It's not like a trek anymore :( And then, all of a sudden, the stairs end! Well, they haven't finished it yet. So, instead of concrete steps, you walk along gaping holes with iron bars sticking out! Their idea of making up for the lost adventure so far? I don't know! But, if you are going there, you better watch your step! After walking around a number of such holes, I began to wonder if it was worth it all - this place looked so mutilated and here we were carrying our cameras and tripods ...
There was point when it was pouring like crazy, the holes dug up for the stairs looked like a never-ending mess, and I thought we should turn around. But then, we moved on - and reached the base of the falls! I still remember standing there wondering if we should go on - the bag seemed heavier, the camera seemed bulkier, we seemed to be carrying way too many things ... and it looked like the downpour would never stop. Looking back, I think I can begin to understand what climbers/trekkers feel when the weather isn't the best!
Was it worth it - definitely! It's such a great feeling the first time you step in to the stream after the trek - though, you'd get your shoes wet in the process! It's not a good idea to walk barefoot because of the sharp stones. It is such an awesome experience to stand there in the middle of gushing waters and look up at the waters falling all around you - to be surrounded by nothing but rocks, shrubs and water!
Soon, it was time to make our way up -with the rain for company. It rained so hard... the waterfall turned brown... was awesome to look at! It had barely stopped raining when we were on the last stretch - a pretty steep climb. We made it over the wall and it started pouring again!
We waited for the rain to stop and then dashed to the hotel - only to find they had nothing interesting :( We got out
PS: v2 - is visit #2 not version 2
Monday, June 16, 2008
Alcatraz Island, CA
Alcatraz - the prison and the lighthouse (among other things), is now a tourist attraction - one of the oh-so-typical places to see when you are in San Francisco. I did feel bad for the inmates at times - to be able to see the free world and not be there - it's worse than not seeing the free world at all! I walked around like an intruder - taking pictures like I was stepping into someone's personal space.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Amazing Quotes!
Did you get that? If you didn't read that again :)
Monday, May 12, 2008
You could be…
It's one of those days when random thoughts try to mar a perfect day....
I like this place - I didn't expect myself to and now it's leaving me a li'l disturbed (?). I miss home but I don't call - If I do, I'd run out of things to say in a few mins...I don't call friends each day - I miss them too!
There are things I do and things I don't - not every thing's right! That's the hardest part I guess - to accept that the crappy part belongs to me, to know that I could say mean things, to know that I could mess up someone for life... to know that 'sorry' has a limited reach....
:) Time for me to stop, lest I say something I shouldn't!
Note: Ya, am tempted to delete this post but then....I hit Publish!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
San Jose
After the great time at Sentosa, we returned to the airport, walked around the huge Changi airport and boarded the plane close to 6 in the evening. We were so tired, we fell asleep as soon as the plane was taxiing. I had no clue when the plane took off or when dinner was served - I was fast asleep! I got up only when the air hostess woke me up saying "good morning!" I had slept a good 12 hours :) And, it was evening at San Francisco, not morning. After a wash and 'breakfast' on the place, we got off at 7:45pm local time.
We got out and waited for the bus to get us to San Jose Hilton, about an hour away. At 8 pm, it was windy and cold! And this was supposed to be summer!! Thankfully, we had been told about the chilly evenings, and had warm clothes with us.
After a bit of delay in getting the bus, we reached the hotel at 11pm, ordered dinner minutes before 12 and finished dinner at 1am. By the time we got to sleep, it was close to 3am. Thanks to a call to the wrong room, I got up at 630am. The rest of the week flew by - with days occupied by work and meetings, evenings spent by walks in the cold streets :) No wonder I got quite a few pictures of the San Jose neighbourhood.
Friday evening, I moved to Mountain View - to the apartment - where I'd be staying for the rest of my visit here.
We got out of the airport, hired a cab, and off we were to Sentosa Island. We headed straight to Underwater World, my first visit to an oceanarium! If you are at Singapore, you should visit this place. It is simply amazing! You can touch fishes, watch soooo many fishes - large and small, pretty and creepy, slow and fast, ...
It was such a lovely experience - walking through the tunnel watching the fishes go by... wondering how big they are... and wondering if they were really that big! There was also a group of elderly women there - enjoying the place as much as we were. It was a good reminder to live life to the fullest - right to the very last breath. I can still hear them call out to each other excited about some fancy fish they've seen!
Now, am waiting to go to Monterrey Bay - waiting for another great experience!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Gokarna - About the Trip and the Pictures
Soon, we were out of the concrete jungle and on to some nice roads. After a couple of stops, the bus halted for a break at Yeswantpur. We got to know that the Gokarna bus was the one right next to us and those who are traveling to Gokarna can get in, so we swapped buses midway!
Soon, we came to a long line of lorries and tankers hampered by work on the ghat roads, with passenger vehicles trying to get ahead of them. Before we were out of that, I had lost count of the number of tankers I’d seen. Finally, we reached Gokarna at 1pm!
After lunch, introductions, and a good wash at the hotel, we rested for a while and then set off
We walked around the beach and waited for the sun to go down for some sunset pictures. In the meantime, we went on a boat ride – saw the other beaches from the boat, trying to plan the next two days.
Day 2: We decided to go to the Kudle Beach first. Another auto, another winding road, another beautiful beach. I’ve seen a clean beach before (think Pichavaram) and many dirty beaches (think Chennai). But, Gokarna is unbeatable for the amount of life on the beach – that is, life
We had our lunch in one of the shanties that offered Mexican, Italian, Israeli cuisines – at a very reasonable price. After lunch, we had some yummy apple pie (?) After lunch, I went back to relaxing in the shade and my friend spent time watching fishes in a pool of water (it ended when he saw someone peeing into his warm pool!)
I sat there watching the waves, the rocks, the beach, the people – and after getting into the water, my friend didn’t want to go to any other beach. So, he spent the day in the water – swimming, searching for fishes, seaweeds, crabs I spent the day taking pictures of everything.
Soon enough, they found a seaweed – and Amir crowned Abhijeet with the seaweed. Right
Day 3: It was time to return – but before our long journey back home, we had about half a day to spare. We decided to check out the Main Beach (aka Gokarna Beach) besides the temple as it was the closest and we didn’t have an entire day to spare. We’d also checked out – didn’t make sense to be carrying things around! We walked to the beach, and found a shady spot between two boats.
The temple is surrounded by a lot of shops selling souvenirs, beads, bangles from camel bones, even tiger nails! I am not sure how aut
After walking around the town for a while, we decided to get back – had lunch on our way and reached the bus stand. We went to Ankola from Gokarna – which proved to be another crazy ride. From Ankola, it was another bus to Hubli. The new bus stand at Hubli was a disappointment – it was unused, dark, had very few shops, and was out of the town! If I go again, I will save myself the trouble and wait at the old bus stand. Another bus, another long journey, another day and we were back in Hyderabad. We rushed home to prepare for another day at work!
It is an amazing place for a relaxed weekend – the only thing that keeps me from going there every other weekend is the journey and the distance – It is a place worth visiting but not good for a weekend trip, at least not from Hyderabad.
From Gokarna |
Thursday, April 3, 2008
A Prayer
Back in January of 1996, the Rev. Joe Wright, senior pastor of the 2,500-member Central Christian Church in Wichita, was invited to offer the opening prayer at a session of the Kansas House of Representatives (not the Kansas Senate, as claimed in the text), and the prayer he offered was this one (which differs somewhat from the version cited in the text above):
Heavenly Father, we come before you to ask your forgiveness. We seek your direction and your guidance. We know your word says, "Woe to those who call evil good." But that's what we've done.
We've lost our spiritual equilibrium. We have inverted our values. We have ridiculed the absolute truth of your word in the name of moral pluralism. We have worshiped other gods and called it multiculturalism.
We have endorsed perversion and called it an alternative lifestyle.
We've exploited the poor and called it a lottery. We've neglected the needy and called it self-preservation. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. In the name of choice, we have killed our unborn. In the name of right to life, we have killed abortionists.
We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem. We have abused power and called it political savvy. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it taxes. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.
Search us, oh, God, and know our hearts today. Try us. Show us any wickedness within us. Cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Guide and bless these men and women who have been sent here by the people of the State of Kansas, and that they have been ordained by you to govern this great state.
Grant them your wisdom to rule. May their decisions direct us to the center of your will. And, as we continue our prayer and as we come in out of the fog, give us clear minds to accomplish our goals as we begin this Legislature. For we pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
Monday, March 31, 2008
The word that does not always get the right response
I wonder why, I wonder how, I wonder what made you think the way you did
I wish I knew, I wish I had the answer.
But, there are things beyond comprehension.
I wonder if I will ever know!
Are you hurt?
Are you sad?
But then, you never go beyond the first question.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
March 27 - It’s a beautiful day!
I woke up early - lay in bed feeling the chill morning, listening to the sounds - and decided to get out of bed close to 6:30am. I opened my door to go outside and my next reaction was 'Wow! Where's my camera!!' A super-beautiful sunrise was happening - with the clouds around - it was such a pretty sight.
It's one of those days you begin your day with a heart filled with praise :)
Sunday, February 17, 2008
-- from A River Runs Through It.
How true is that in your life? How much do your closest know about you? And, how much do you know about your closest ones?
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Random Musings!
Ever imagined what it is like if Big Ben walks away? Can you imagine people's reaction as he walks across the sea, across the oceans, to a land far far away - so far away you can't see Big Ben anymore...No more pretty pictures, no bells ringing, no landmark, nothing to see but a plain piece of land!
And I Will….
I follow the night
Can't stand the light
When will I begin
To live again?
One day I'll fly away
Leave all this to yesterday
What more could your Love do for me?
When will Love be through with me?
Why live life from dream to dream?
And dread the day when dreaming ends
One day I'll fly away
Leave all this to yesterday
Why live life from dream to dream?
And dread the day when dreaming ends
One day I'll fly away
Fly, fly away
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The Daffodils
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upen that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
-- William Wordsworth
A well-known poem, The Daffodils, was one of the poems I read in class X. I found the poetry book among other things when I was clearing up my desk back home. For me, the daffodils are my travel adventures. I can be on my own on a quiet day, immersed in my memories and travelling on my own - once more.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
The Year Gone By!
And then, days flew - as it can happen only when you work, work, and work - and then travel whenever you are free! It was the end of 2006 when I got to know quite an illustriuos friend... :) someone who made me walk around the biggest exhibition in Hyd before inviting me for his travel adventures. And there started our travelling spree - visiting just about every place around hyd!
Half way into the year, it was time to move to a new team, a new product - keeps you busy and learning for a while :) and, at the same time, makes you miss your buddies! It was a year of changes with friends across floors trying to stay in touch, catching up for lunch... and ended the year on a high note with my best friend's desk quite close to mine! What a joy!
And then came Hampi-Jog Falls-Hogenakkal - after much preparation, the trip was one of the most memorable! The trek to reach the bottom of the falls, to be surrounded by walls of rock and stand there in the midst of the mist and the rain - is something to be experienced!
As if I had been too happy all along, there came the lull and swept me away! Fell in love and fell out of love too... Don't wanna make the same mistake again! never ever....
Made new friends, got in touch with old friends and really, really old friends - thanks to social networking! I never thought I would get in touch with my classmates after 14 years of silence! Oh, the joy of getting in touch with old friends! ... and the sadness of losing friends... and the mystery of people who are friends one day, not so friendly the next, friends again a few days later... Why do I even put up with them? I don't know!!
Got a lot more online presence! A few blogs and, finally, a website! Though, not completely functional yet :(
All of this interspersed with visits to good 'ole Chennai ... the beach, Spencers, City Center, Coffee Day at Anna nagar... meeting friends, shopping till I dropped (quite literally!), fainting at a bus stop and getting hurt as if I fell from a bike!....
It's been a year of brands, electronics, and going online big time - right from purchases to payments - all without a credit card :P ... a year of delayed train arrivals, some crazy travelling, sleeping in a car, watching the sun rise over a dam... and some photography along the way!
Just as every other year, it was full of surprises that made me happy, and disappointments that drained me away! But then, the year ends on a happy note and let's me look forward to the next year - I've travelled far and wanna travel more... I've taken risks and will take more... I've learnt and will learn more...Wonder what 2008 holds for me!