It was the day before Christmas – Chennai was decked up, carols and Santas everywhere…the bus stopped at a signal and I saw this Santa in front of a shop – complete with a mask and an obviously artificial bulging belly.
I couldn’t help but wonder what was running through the mind of the man dressed up as Santa. Dressed as Santa – standing in front of a shop, doing the dance quite monotonously, waving at the passers by, watching the world around on a shopping spree… what was on his mind? Did he celebrate Christmas? Does he have enough to shop for himself and his loved ones? Does he see the number of people coming to shop and wish he could too? Does he wish he was as happy as the mask he was wearing?
Doesn’t it hurt to do that monotonous dance and wave all evening? Doesn’t it hurt to stand there and have people ignore you? Does it hurt to stand there and watch the world go by?