It’s that time of the year when I tend to look back and wonder how different this year has been…one year is never the same as the other and this year too, I did things I’ve never done before, been to places I’ve never been before and met people I’ve never before…strangers turned to friends and friends to strangers….love to hate and hate to love…
Some of the prominent changes …
For the first time in my life, I am living away from home and enjoying it. Yes, it makes life a lot more interesting and teaches you to depend on yourself a lot. In a way, I think it makes you less dependant on others, especially if you choose to live on your own…the way I do, all on my own in a single BR….
I think I am getting used to the fact that friends can turn to strangers as time goes by…. It does hurt when it happens with someone you didn’t expect…or someone you were close to…but then, that is life… so, there are one or two – I wish they had the sense to talk it out instead of judging based on someone’s assumptions… if you don’t know what this means, I am not talking about you….
…to be continued….